Monday, April 8, 2013

A Visit from a Chickadee...

I stepped out onto my balcony to look at something when I heard a noise.  At first I couldn't tell where it was coming from.  It sounded like a bird had banged into a window.   I looked around and saw inside my apartment a bird on the inside of the window trying to get out.  I went inside and caught the bird and as I went toward the open balcony door it slipped out my fingers and flew out into the forest.  My dog was going crazy....
It was a little beauty of a bird and it left before I could photograph it.  As a totem the chickadee talks about communication and how to use our voice.  It teaches us about flexibility and curiosity.  I think my little visitor must have been a very curious little one.  Chickadee also is considered the bird of truth and one of my favorite places on the internet, Linsdomain, states it this way:   
"Truth can be shared in a way that adds joy to everyone’s lives."
I wonder.  Can that be Chickadee's message to me, or to you?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I Had a Steller Day Yesterday...

I had a steller day yesterday, in more ways than one.  From my balcony window I saw at least 6 species of birds, a deer, and squirrels.  Earlier in the day on a walk with a friend in her neighborhood we saw 4 deer.  For someone like myself seeing this wildlife in the city really made my day.  I’m not very fond of people, although I suppose I have learned to live with them.  I also know that I would probably not enjoy living without other people.
There do not seem to be many like me, who love the wild things.   This is the reality I have created for myself.  It is a reality which makes me happy.  It gives me joy.  Those deer represent gentleness, love, and compassion.
“Deer teaches us to be gentle, to touch the hearts and minds of wounded beings who are in our lives. Don't push people to change, rather gently nudge them in right direction, with the love that comes from deer. Love and accept people as they are. The balance of true power lays in love and compassion.”
I had a steller day yesterday.  5 deer, chickadees, gold finches, stellar’s jays, towhees, crows and hummingbirds.  I love the wild things.  They give me happiness and joy.