Thursday, May 22, 2014

Don't Like god?

If you don't like god, the angry, judgmental, old man in the sky image of god that humans have created try thinking of  intelligent, creative Source.   The image of god that most humans and religions accept does not exist.  Nor does the evil villain, god's nemesis, the devil, for that matter. 
There is however a multiversal, creative, intelligent, and even benevolent Source.  This is closer to a description of God.   

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The New World...

I continue to be amazed at how Ken Carey was so right on in THE THIRD MILLENNIUM:
"Love is the energy of expansion, the vital current of creation.  When it touches matter lightly, the matter responds with life forms such as you have on earth today.  When it touches matter fully, stars are born....
The new world is here now, but its geography is the same as the world of historical times;  it is a world of new perception, a world of new understanding, a world where resources are limited only by the capacity to appreciate.
Wherever love is honored, so is the Creator."