We are already past the halfway point in this momentous year of change, 2012. When 2012 passes and the world is still here and the wars are still being fought and the banks and huge corporations are still fighting for ever so much more money, those that have heard all of the fearful predictions but still live in the old energy will say that is has been just another year. But it isn’t just another year. It is the mid point of a 36 year cycle in which the planet and its people are changing. We will still see the wars and violence, the corporations fighting for their way of life but that is the old energy fighting to hang on to that which no longer works. Yesterday on Facebook I shared a quote from folk singer Woody Guthrie about soldiers laying down their arms and refusing to fight. This month would have been Woody Guthrie’s 100 birthday. We will see that more and more on both sides, our young laying down their arms to “study war no more”. There will be more ‘occupy’ type movements with citizens of the world stepping up and claiming themselves and their planet whether it be an Arab Spring or Occupy Wallstreet. This has been building up for a long time. We will also see more extreme weather.
The feminine energy is claiming its place and the old masculine energy fights to remain. The feminine and the masculine has been out of balance for so long. Look for a lot of positive changes in the southern hemisphere because that is where the Divine Feminine will make its foothold. Have you ever noticed that most of the wars have been started by those in the northern hemisphere, the seat of the macho masculine energy?
No, 2012, will not have been just another year but we probably won’t see that until we look in hindsight. We have a few months left to add our loving peaceful energy and let our light so shine on this beautiful mother earth. Our energy, no matter who you are or what your beliefs are, are part of this change. Make your part of the change positive.
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