Monday, June 24, 2013

Taking Care of Yourself...

I am reading of so many individuals in pain and having negative symptoms. With the changes in energy this will continue to happen. So much is coming up to heal and our bodies and psyches are learning to live in the new energy.
I would like to present just a few ideas for your consideration to help with these negative symptoms. Take what you can use and forget the rest.
1. Much is happening now but we have chosen to be here. We are not victims.
2. Accept responsibility for yourself.
3. The negative symptoms are not fun but we can learn to handle them.
4. To handle negative emotions learn to sit with them for a time. Breath deeply at least three deep breaths. Allow yourself to feel the feeling as much as you can. If they appear to be overwhelming, feel them as long as you can and then do something to distract yourself and come back to it when you feel it again. When it feels better after sitting with and feeling the emotion, let it go.
5. Sometimes if the challenge is too much for you, you must seek assistance; Professional help, 12 step program, body work, more.
6. Pray, meditate, make contact with your guides, angels and most of all, your Higher Self.
7. Surrender, surrender, surrender....

I might also recommend the work of Dr. David R. Hawkins, Kryon, from and the work of Robert Schwartz.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sometimes I Really Need Some Reminders...

I am currently reading a book that has a message that I needed to hear, again.  The book is PROOF OF HEAVEN, by Dr. Eben Alexander.    Dr. Alexander is a neurosurgeon who spent 7 days in a coma resulting from a rare case of bacterial meningitis.  He came out of the coma changed and with a message that he felt he had to share with the world.  There is a lot more to the book but the main message is:  "You are loved and cherished, dearly, forever.  You have nothing to fear." and interestingly enough, "There is nothing you can do wrong".   He reminds us of who we really are and that God, while being more than we can imagine, is truly personal and loves all of creation including you and I.  It is these reminders that I need the most.  I seem to need the reminder that it is okay to be me at whatever level of consciousness I am at, today or ever.  If you are in need of assurance, reminders of who you are, or even just have a great summer read I recommend this book.  Dr. Alexander has a website and the book is very accessible.  The kindle edition was very reasonable.