Thursday, May 31, 2012

Venus Transit 2012

The grand and sometimes dire predictions of change that cumulate in this year, 2012, should be well known by now.   The nay sayers will continue to say that this could be the end of humanity, the yay sayers will continue to say that we have a great opportunity to finally turn our world around, even to eventually bringing peace on earth.   I happen to  believe that we are being given many opportunities to increase our awareness and help bring about great changes for good on a planet that has been plagued by violence, war, and hatred.   Astrology has been called both unscientific and the oldest science.   On June 5&6 an astrological event is occurring that may provide us yet another opportunity to make positive decisions.    This event is an actual event in the heavens called a venus transit.   It is a time when Venus crosses the face of the sun.  It has been said that the rare occasions this has happened new eras are born.   The Venus Transit of 1526 ushered in the Age of Renaissance,  The 1639 event ushered in the Age of Reason, 1769, the Age of Enlightenment, and 1882, the Age of Imperialism.  
Will the Venus Transit of 2012 be seen eventually to usher in the age of Human Evolvement?  Be aware of the energy on and around June 5 and 6.   Be aware of opportunities, who you meet on those days, keep an eye open for that which might give you the boost you need.  If even knowing about this can help us make better decisions and give us a more positive viewpoint, then it is worth thinking about.   If you want to know more about this event just google ‘meaning of venus transit’.     

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

You are a Traveler...

You are a universal traveler.  You can travel through time and space and you have arrived to visit a relatively small planet on the edge of the milky way galaxy.   You look a lot like the inhabitants of this planet so it is easy for you to blend in.  But as you look around, trying to find out more about this place, you start to see and hear things that are beginning to disturb you.  The people on this place are split by what they call religion.  People with different ideas fight over those ideas.   And there are many areas on this planet that are at war.   Pictures on the news videos show scene after scene of destruction caused by these wars.   Also there are pictures of many children that have been killed in these conflicts.  
You are hearing about how these inhabitants have allowed and even inflicted much destruction against the planet itself.   The planet is in danger of becoming unlivable.  Maybe not in the immediate lifetime of these people but certainly in their childrens’ or grandchildrens’ lifetime.   Most of the inhabitants of this planet don’t seem to care about these things, they don’t even seem to think about them, nor do they even appear to be trying to do anything about them.  When a random murder happens close to where our visitor is staying he decides he has had enough.  He makes plans to leave this violent primitive place.  This planet called earth is way too violent and dangerous for universal travelers to visit.  

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"Children of the Angels"...

From the time I got up this morning the line from Walela’s song ‘Circle of Light’ has been going through my mind.   Walela is a trio of aboriginal American women.    The song has some wonderful lines in it but the one that keeps running through my mind says: “We are children of the angels”.  “We are children of the angels Keepers of the Fire, We are children of the angels reaching for the light.”  Not long after I got up I played the song and some of the other songs on the album.  But here it is early evening and the line is still going through my mind.   Perhaps some of the other lines carry the message that I needed to hear.   “We are not strangers....I know we came here to love each other...Each one thinks he has the answer, Each believes that he can see the way, the only way.  Truth lies waiting, was always waiting, Like a love, a peaceful dove, Right there inside your soul.”  “We ARE children of the angels reaching for the light...” 

Monday, May 28, 2012

'Every being ...knows right from wrong, Mark'

(Image from Roger Waters, THE WALL, concert/production in Vancouver, 5/26/12)

In the movie, K-PAX, Kevin Spacey is the character who claims to be from another planet and is being evaluated in a psychiatric facility.  In an interview with the psychiatrist played by Jeff Bridges, he is asked if he knows right from wrong.  His answer to that question was simply, ‘Every being in the universe knows right from wrong, Mark.’
A thought provoking statement don’t you think?  Do we have a built in sense of morality?  Or do we need a parent, a clergyman, a teacher, to teach us ethics?  And the other side of that coin, do we need a parent, a clergy, a teacher, peers, to teach us how to suppress an inner knowing of the difference from right and wrong?  Are we born with a blank slate and all sense of ‘right and wrong’ is etched on that slate that is our lives?  Do you know right from wrong?  Where did you learn it?  Did you always know the difference?  Does every being in the universe know right from wrong?

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Longing for Home...

It has been said that the motivation for all human endeavor is the soul’s search for home.  When we are born we forget what life was like in Spirit but our soul remembers enough to create a longing for what we have lost,  what we once had in Spirit.  It is this longing that is the underlying motivation for the human search for God, happiness, money, love.  There is such a longing for our Spirit home that many of us are willing to believe anything that claims to provide us with a fulfillment of that longing.   It accounts for overachievers, fundamentalists and yes the creation of saints and mystics. 
Now if  we understand this and take into account that there is this underlying motivation we can use to become creators of heaven on earth.  One more way to work toward Peace on Earth and healing the earth and it’s inhabitants.   

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Love Poem...

The Quiet Silent Park

The Park is quiet..silent now
Only the hawks and the homeless are left
And my thoughts of you
Gone are the screaming kids,
The noisy families that leave their waste
All over the ground
But I have my thoughts of you
The only thing nicer than this quiet, silent park
Would be having you with me to share it
I can only share it now
With my thoughts of you

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Humans are Just Being Human...

Humans are just being human.  The human of old is going away but not without a fight.  What if?  There is no satan, that the only evil in the world is done by humans. 
What if?  The beautiful things in the world, expressions of love, expressions of beauty, are human generated?  What if?  War is on its way out.  What if?  You really have nothing to fear but yourself.  What if?  You really do have it in yourself to be more than you are, to have all your dreams, to create a world of peace for your children. 
What if?  There is no hell.  What if?  Death is only a portal back to the Creator and all of your friends in Spirit.  What if?  Humans are becoming more.  If there has been evil in the world there has also been good and beauty.   If there has been evil in the world you have the choice not to participate.  You have the choice to choose love over fear,  beauty over destruction.  After all humans are just being human. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Just Change the Subject...

When it is difficult to stay positive do the best you can to at least stay neutral.  On those days, monitor your feelings and emotions closely.  When you feel a negative creeping in... change the subject.  Yes, simply change the subject in your mind.  The negative energy days don’t last so just take care of yourself.  You can get the positive back and sometimes just changing your mind’s subject is enough to shift it back away from the negativity.  In a way this is just being mindful.  It is being proactive with your feelings and emotions.   This will work with pain also.  Do not feed the negative feeling.  and change the subject.   This is important because not only will you feel better, it is this staying positive that will bring us to the world we we want so badly.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Solar Eclipse Sunday...

Sunday is a Solar Eclipse.  Depending where you are it can be see as a total eclipse.  It is to be complete on the U.S. west coast at approx 4:47 P.m.  I want to refer you to a website/actually another blog for a little information about this eclipse.  First some quotes:  "Whatever you do on this day is your intent of what you would like to be doing for the next six months or until the next eclipse on 11/13. This is a Gemini eclipse so most of the positive signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sag and Aquarius) will have an interesting 6 months ahead...
Just have a beautiful day, go to work if you work on Sunday, have a relaxed, uncomplicated and positive day and your next six months will bring you great opportunities, new positive energy and help you to attain your goals and dreams."
You can read the remainder of this article about this eclipse here:
Have a great weekend and enjoy the eclipse. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Little Bit of Cause and Effect Coming Down...

The veils between the dimensions are thinning.  Past, present, and future are starting to bleed together and linear time is speeding up.  Karma, the idea that what you do will come back at you, is cycling faster and faster.  In other words what goes around will come around faster than ever.  
You don’t have to believe or even understand this to be aware of it and make use of it.  This means that you might encounter experiences that you don’t understand.  You will feel the effect of what ever might have caused.  You might remember that yesterday we spoke of synchronicities or coincidences.  These are happening more/sooner and are more recognizable.   You must be aware, however.  
And karma or coincidence does not have to be all negative.  The positive aspects of cause and effect will also come around faster and show up sooner and will become more obvious. 
So I am saying that there are experiences, feelings, emotions and states of mind that can be very useful.  Being aware can help you navigate the not so fun times and recognize and take advantage of the positive and feel good times. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pay Attention to Coincidence.

In 1996 James Redfield published a novel entitled THE CELESTINE PROPHECY in which he puts forth 9 insights into life.  The first of those insights is about meaningful coincidences. “We are at a point in the developmental history of human consciousness where development will accelerate. The major evidence for this is the increased number of meaningful coincidences people are noticing in their lives.”
I’m finding this increased number of coincidences is happening to me and it is so much fun.  I have referred to this phenomena previously as synchronicity.  
You have to be aware of what is happening and that these ‘coincidences’ are waiting for you right around the corner. 
Look for connections for example if you meet a person for the first time.  Perhaps they look really familiar to you, you have very similar interests.  A shared interest in eagles and other raptors, the person is an artist and share artistic interest with you:  these are only a couple of the types of connections.   These two happened to me.  One of these I almost failed to act upon because of my shyness and mistrust of people.  I would have missed a great opportunity and a great friendship.  As stated in the insight from Mr. Redfield’s book, these meaningful coincidences are happening more and faster in my life.   I now wonder if they were there before but I had just failed to see them or respond to them.  Keep all your senses open to be aware of these synchronicities/coincidences.  
I’m glad that life keeps giving us opportunities if we let it. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nature and Love.... Teachers...

We have a tendency to get caught up in our personal worlds.   Sometimes we simply have not been taught to see what nature teaches us and sometimes we are too busy keeping the family together, making ends meet, or simpley surviving in this interesting world we live in.  
Nature has a lot to teach us including keeping us in touch with that which is the the most basic in our lives.  How do you feel when you see a great awe inspiring view in nature?  How do you feel when you see a baby deer or a baby duck?  Have you noticed those feelings are very similar to the feelings we get when we see a baby child smile at us, your loved one tells you they love you.  These feelings that we get from observing, being in touch with nature, and from love and including even pets, are the basic feelings of the Divine.  It is when we feel these feelings that we can most easily touch the Divine.  A mystic is defined as one who seeks a direct experience of the Divine.  If you pay attention to the the feelings you get from nature and the feelings you get from experiencing love in it’s many forms you begin to touch the Divine.  

Monday, May 14, 2012

I Think To Much...

I finally stopped trying to save the world
Even though I always knew I could only save myself
It doesn’t matter that so few seem to know that the world needs saving
For the children
For the planet
It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t occur to them
Few think about common sense and
The only saviors they think about die on Crosses of irrelevancy
I think too much
I’ve finally stopped trying to save the world 

Friday, May 11, 2012

By the Way... Thank You

A few years ago when I began riding the buses in Vancouver, BC, Canada, I was struck by and amazed at the fact that most of the people getting off of the bus would yell out, ‘thank you’ to the driver as they left.  Seeing it once, interesting, but I began to see it over and over again from most of the bus riders leaving the bus.  Why are they thanking him/her I asked myself.  The bus driver gets us where we are going, on an established route, no less.  Sometimes the driver accomplishes that fact better than other times.  So the bus driver is doing a job, not even necessarily a good job.  But people are still saying thank you.  I can’t say that I can think of too many jobs where you are thanked for doing a job, so often, by so many. 
I thought perhaps this was a Canadian phenomenon and chalked it up to that. 
I am now riding the bus in Bellingham, WA, and guess what?  People do it here also.  People leaving the bus are constantly saying thank you.  I am just deciding to not think it odd anymore and just accept it.  I am going to watch other places and see how many people say thank you for someone doing a job they are supposed to be doing.  We tip waiters and waitresses.  Sometimes we say thank you to them, mostly if they bring us something we asked for.  I guess its good that people are polite.  and perhaps they are teaching us something about gratitude. 
Oh, and by the way...  Thank you all who follow this and read these words.  I really do appreciate it. 
Thank you...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Losing the Bias of Fear...

Yesterday I reviewed general information about fear.  Today I want to get a little more specific.  A lot of us who have some awareness of what is going on are very sensitive to personal and global conditions.  That awareness gives us the feeling that if we know more of what is going on we have a responsibility to do something about it.  The thoughts go something like this:  ‘why can’t you see what is going on?  The world is falling apart, we are all in danger of radiation, war, financial collapse...( place your fear right here....) we have to get busy, we have to do something about it.”
Our fear of these things keeps us from effectively doing anything about them.  What we focus on is what we get.  If we focus on our fear and the negative effects of climate change, broken nuclear power plants spewing radiation into the air and the earth, you can name more, I’m sure, we will help perpetuate things or at the least be not very effective in our efforts to help.  “But”, you say, “these are real threats, things are really bad.  We have to do something.”
So what can we do about the condition of the world and our own fear of that condition?
First know that the only way to save the world is to first save ourselves.  I know that sounds so very cliche but it makes sense.  If we live in fear we can not be effective in working for the good. 
Work on the fear.  Face it.  Understand it.  Your life, your energy, your abilities will be clearer and stronger.  When you send love and healing energy to others, the planet, the situations there will be less bias.  Send energy to places that need it and that energy can be used to reinforce the planet or a group or an individual giving the space for the situation to start taking care of itself.  If you are full of fear, or anger, or hate whatever prayers you send, what ever love you send, what ever healing energy you try to use will be biased, tainted by that fear, that negative emotion that is so strong in you.  This is why it is important to heal yourself.   When you have started to heal yourself and are mindful of your own emotions you can send out from yourself a blanket of calm energy that can seriously be of help in the world.  And if there is more for you today you will be better prepared to find that task and complete it.   Lose the fear and become clear.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Some thoughts on Fear...

Are you afraid of driving through that bad neighborhood?  Are you afraid that the world finances are falling apart and you will lose your job, not be able to provide for yourself and your family and will be homeless?  Are you afraid the tornado, the snowstorm, the volcano, the earthquake will get you?  I can go on and on.  Do you worry?  Worry is fear generalized. 
Follow fear out as far as you can.  What is the worst that could happen to you?  You could die.  You could be mighty miserable on your way to dying but in the end that is what we fear the most... dying.  
Think about these things when you are worried and upset.  Our own problems can be solved if we can get past the fear.  And if we are worried about world problems the fear will immobilize us.  When things get to you consider what fear means to you.   Assess what fear can do to your problem solving processes.  Just something to think about and Just some thoughts on fear... 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Cycle...

A seed puts forth the sprout, small, sometimes struggling to become the plant.  The plant sends roots into the ground and reaches toward the sun.   A tree may take years before it blooms producing fruit and seeds.  There are plants that live only a season.
Plants bloom in the spring.  and a cycle begins all over again...  Some of us bloom early while others are late bloomers.  It’s all part of the plan...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Personal Power... Personal Mastery...

I have written quite a lot about personal choice and knowing ourselves.  A website has a very interesting and helpful article on this very topic.   These are quotes: 
"Personal mastery goes beyond competence and means approaching one's
life as a creative work, living life from a creative as opposes to a reactive
Peter Senge
"It is a choice to take control of the self by identifying emotions, actions and
reactions to build strength and confidence with a deeper meaning to one's life.
Personal Power is an attitude and state of mind that takes discipline and
practice in order to achieve true wisdom."
you can read this informative information at:
This information can do a lot to help you change your life and move beyond that which is holding you back. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bless them...

Grass and sandy beaches
Animals wild
Pets next to us
Take stock of all you have
And all who have you
Bless them and
Be grateful 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It is Essential to Remember...

We are in the midst of changing times.  You may have seen on the news about May Day riots.  There is extreme weather everywhere you look.  Financial systems are under fire with personal and national debt.  You know the rest.  I know I have talked about this before but it is essential to remember that what we see will have a positive outcome.  The conspiracy theories of the past may have been true but they are being exposed now.   People can talk to each other all over the world as well as next door and this is part of what is bringing about  these changes.   It is to the point where very few secrets can be kept if there are those who are looking for those secrets.   Political scandals abound.... They are being exposed.  The younger generation is more aware and very technology savvy.   They have new and different ideas about how to handle the problems of the past.  They will show us how to get our financial systems in order.  They will show us new ways of obtaining our energy and power needs.  They will come up with ideas that no one has even thought of, simple ideas that will start to solve the problems of the planet.  A lot of us older ones will be shaking our heads, asking ourselves why we didn’t think of that.  Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before.  But all of this will happen in the midst of a lot of chaos and it will look as though the world is falling apart.   Simply remember there is no reason to be afraid and that these changes are necessary for Planet Earth and her people to reach those long time/ long term goals of a sustainable planet and yes.... Peace on Earth.  

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Your Sphere of Influence...

It is important to remember how much of an influence we are in the world.  And I say world because of the global influence of the internet, the airplane...  instant access to one another across the entire globe.   We don’t realize how much our connections with each other touch not only those close to us but circles out like ripples in the pond touching far shores.  Take facebook alone,  You make a comment or post an image, your friends see it, they post it because its cool or not cool, how many more then see it and repost it again.  And if you take into account energy that moves out from us, our thoughts, our auras touching each other and the planet, our sphere of influence widens...  be aware of your sphere of influence...  be aware of how you affect people...