Thursday, September 27, 2012

The First Official Days of Autumn, 2012...

The first official days of autumn, 2012, and mornings are crisp with the feel of change in the air.  Leaves are dying and some are already falling.  The ones still on the trees are taking on the beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows.  That in itself is a beautiful lesson.  The colored leaves... beautiful in death, a death which is a transition, a change.   A fog moved in yesterday and today.  The fog, the colored leaves, the trees outside my window.  An all encompassing feeling of joy washed over me.  The fog didn’t stop the chickadees and the finches from coming to the feeder.  If you need a lift, a clue that things really are alright in the world, take a look at nature.   Immerse yourself in it, even if for only a few minutes.   It will do wonders for you... It does for me.      

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Compassion for Ourselves...

Compassion for another is suggested as a way to increase your own vibration and help heal the other human and the planet.  But often we forget that it is just as important to have that compassion for ourselves.  We are often not aware of the negative programming and the unconscious guilt that we have taken on and how it has affected our health and our abilities.  Forgive yourself for any conscious and unconscious programming, be kind to yourself, pay attention to the self talk and be easy on yourself.  
You are an infinite being having physical experience.   Remember that...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Take Wing...

Where do you live?
In a state of love?

How do you live?
In a state of Joy?

If you are Earthbound
Grasp onto some courage

and take wing

Monday, September 24, 2012

Choose the Energy of Love.....

Last Wednesday, Sept, 19, 2012, Dr. David R. Hawkins, medical doctor and psychiatrist and a pioneer in bridging science and mind body medicine died at the age of 85.  
His work and his writing was personal and so very informative.
I wish to share with you a small section from his book HEALING AND RECOVERY.   It is my way of honoring and thanking him.
“The specifics of healing a particular illness consists of (1) letting go of resisting the sensory experience of it, (2) no longer putting names or labels on it, and (3)using no words at all.  Welcome experiencing what you are experiencing in a very radical way and at the same time (4) cancel the thought form and belief system, and (5)choose the energy field of Love, which heals.”
“Choose the energy field of Love, which heals.”
Thank you Dr. Hawkins for your love and compassion...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Moment of Silence.. A Moment of Peace...

Tomorrow, ƒriday, Sept 21, 2012, is the International Day of Peace.  International Peace Day was established in 1981 by a UN resolution to coincide with the opening of the UN General Assembly.
The first Peace Day was celebrated on the third Thursday in September.  In 2002 Sept. 21 was set as a fixed date.
There are a lot of activities going on all over the planet but one I think is worth considering and something everyone could do if they knew about it.  At twelve noon tomorrow a simple moment of silence is being observed.   In all time zones around the world at noon a simple moment of silence.  A moment of peace...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What is He going to do? Condemn....

The Church’s ideas of original sin and everlasting punishment in hell had me scared.  Those ideas had me, and you, condemned to hell just for being born.  And except for a few particular things, there was very little we could do about it. 
It was the book CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD by Neale Donald Walsh in 1995 that told me things that now seem obvious.  “I tell you there is no such experience after death as you have constructed in your fear-based theologies.  Yet there is an experience of the soul so unhappy, so incomplete, so less than whole, so separated from God’s greatest joy, that to your soul this would be hell.  But I tell you I do not send you there, nor do I cause this experience to be visited upon you.”  
I recall sobbing when I read this.   I knew that God would not create me and a nasty place to send me.  I just knew it.  Now I had read it in black and white. 
This is how Dr. David R. Hawkins puts it in HEALING AND RECOVERY:  “He (God) is going to understand human nature and is not going to throw me into the pit fires of hell for being human.  He created me as human;  I’m his handiwork.  What is He going to do?  Condemn his own creation?”
It is amazing the relief from fear and guilt this gives.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Let go of Resisting...

Let go of resisting.  What you resist persists.  This has been the suggestion of many therapies and new age ideologies.   It is suggested that if you resist pain it will get worse and letting go of that resisting and allowing yourself to feel the pain helps with both chronic and acute pain.  It also is suggested in dealing with fear.  Allow yourself to feel the fear, the sensations associated with fear, feel them and let it go.  The fear will fade.  This is only an introduction to the idea of letting go of resistance but its an idea  worth looking at.

Monday, September 17, 2012

God is Like the Ocean...

And the Master said...
God is like the ocean
Each creation is a a drop of water
Each drop of water contains
All part of Source
No beginning
No end
Just the ebb and flow

Thursday, September 13, 2012

We are Born...

We are born into life on earth with almost total amnesia as to who and what we are as spirits.  Add to that we are born into basically animal bodies.   It amazing that we are able to make any progress in our physical lives on earth let alone spiritual progress.  Some people make very little progress.  Did not Jesus say, ‘the poor will always be with you.”?  To even start pulling yourself up begin to learn Compassion.  Together compassion and love with intent can pull you up along with the ones who receive the benefits of your compassion.   The compassion can take the shape even of a simple smile.    Amazing how much a simple smile can do to a person in pain. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Message of the White Hawk...

His stepping into the street to take the dog for a walk was interrupted by the the squawk of a crow.   Looking up he saw the crow chasing a magnificent white hawk.  The hawk was so beautiful it took his breath away and he watched with delight as it ditched the crow and circled around.  Coming back it spiraled in quite low and hovered above him.   White with some dark points it was beautiful beyond words and against the blue of the morning sky looked ethereal as though it gleamed with its own light.   Seconds later it took off again toward the bay.  It’s beauty had mesmerized him and awestruck he stood wondering what had just happened.  It was the reality of a car coming up the street that brought him back.   Jumping out of the street and resuming his walk the question clung to the edges of his vision.   What had just happened?  It was only a few minutes later as he returned to his home that he heard the words in a familiar voice.
“you are an infinite being.  Remember this.  You are bound to the earth only by your body but you are not your body.  Infinite, powerful, beautiful, spread your wings sweet spirit, spread your wings and fly.” 
That was the message of the White Hawk. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Unconscious Guilt...

We are seeing more and more evidence of the mind body connection where our health is concerned.  Now it appears there are at least two primary factors involved;  the presence of unconscious guilt and a belief system that allows one to believe they are subject to the disease. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Homo Spiritus...

The writer first noticed in the writings of Ken Carey the idea that humans were evolving into a human where the Spirit of God was birthing fully awake.   It was a delightful idea, one that made so much sense.   Why are we here, the question was asked by so many, so often.  So imagining a human where the Divine Spirit is fully awake made a lot of sense.  
Imagine the delight upon finding this reference including a name for the evolved human:
“The appearance in humanity of the realization of God as the ultimate Reality, substrate, and source of Existence and Creation marked the beginning of a new, evolutionary branch of mankind called Homo spiritus.”
by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D

Friday, September 7, 2012

Compassion and Love...

Compassion and Love joined hands and stress and fear drifted slowly away.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Am...

I am God Goddess
All That is
I am balanced
I am grateful
For beauty I see
I am God Goddess
All That Is
With love and grace
The ability to

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We Need our Bodies but we are Not our Body...

Have you read accounts of out of body experiences or near death experiences?
The accounts all speak of how the spirit body leaves the physical body and floats above it and even moves away from it.   They speak of moving distances and report seeing things that are at a distance from the body and, of course, in the near death experience the spirit moves away from the body and is reported to go to through the tunnel to the light to spiritual levels where eventually it is told it must go back.
The reason for speaking of these things is to illustrate how we as humans identify with the body.   This body is me, I am this person and this is my body.   The accounts tell us that the truth is closer to the idea that we identify with the body but we are not the body.  That part of us that is aware leaves the body.  When the spirit is out of the body the body basically is a thing.  It is a shell that we have sloughed off.  It is not me...
As humans we over identify with the body.  In order to function here we have to identify with our body but when we over identify with it we start thinking we are the body and the connection to our spirit and to God gets weaker.   Consciousness and awareness does not need the physical body.    We need our bodies to live on earth but it might behoove us to remember that we are not our bodies.   

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The View is Never the Same...

Perhaps it was the presence of children of all backgrounds and levels of inner awareness or perhaps it was the presence outside of street people, junkies, recovering addicts, the mentally ill...  Perhaps it was simply the right time.   The consciousness expanded and these ‘others’ were seen for what they are... the children of God AND children of the earth.   It was a knowing that few individuals can be more than what they are.  Levels of consciousness must reach a point where the search for meaning and spiritual understanding have a draw that cannot be denied and where there is an attractive light at the end of some tunnel glimpsed or felt.   The choice of awareness and looking for truth is a strange mixture of longing, awareness and the grace of God.   The individual ego cannot do it alone but God does not force.
The window closed...  The children were once more fascinated, loud, earthbound.  Outside the street people lighted their cigarettes, the mentally ill listened for the voices they could no longer hear because they had been dulled by the most affordable chemical.
The view is never the same after a window of awareness opens and closes.